The Language House

Finding Housing Abroad

In 1 on March 30, 2010 at 5:34 pm

I would say that finding suitable, affordable housing abroad is no easy task especially when considering Europe. It can definitely be done although it requires some patience and savings.

To begin with, before you arrive, look for temporary housing. Whether the goal is to rent an apartment for a year or even buy a house, always plan to be on-site to do the visits and see for yourself before you commit to anything.

Temporary housing in Europe has become easier to secure than ever before despite the fact that it still takes some work. Now, in many countries, you can find apartments to share on popular find-a-room websites. If you don’t want to share an apartment with strangers, there are online agencies that can arrange apartments for you on a short term basis but bear in mind that often they will be expensive. Be ready to make compromises.

Next, before you arrive, do an internet search about the city/region/country where you want to live. Find out ahead of time what the typical process is for securing housing. Never assume that it will be similar to your own country…leave nothing to chance. How long should it take, what paperwork will you need? Is it easy to open a bank account in said country?

Once you do all the research, if you find that it seems difficult to find affordable housing, don’t give up. Next, start talking to people who already live there, especially expats. Try to find out some of the loopholes or ways around the standard rules posted. Imagine you’re a journalist trying to uncover all information available.

Lastly, be prepared, financially for this project. When making the move abroad, things will cost money, especially in Europe and its surrounding countries. Therefore, expect it. It’s great to air on the side of economy, but be prepared for unexpected costs. Take a serious look at your finances before you head out.

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